Chandler Walnut in Shell

Chandler has high nutritional value, white flesh, easy peeling and also has efficient production characteristics. This walnut is one of the most preferred walnut species in our country and in the world. With the right care and a natural production method, this type of walnut ensures that the healthiest walnuts can be obtained.

It is known as the American walnut because its homeland is North America. Chandler walnut is the most preferred and most valuable type of walnut worldwide. It has strong antioxidant effects, delicious and plump fruits. In addition to these properties, it is also a very rich source of Omega 3. Chandler walnut seedlings, which are one of the walnuts with the highest vitamin content in their components, have high resistance to diseases. With this feature, its fruits are also very healthy, with 70% fat and 23% protein.

Features of Chandler Walnut:
*Native Chandler walnut
*The region of our Chandler walnut is Manisa.
*After the walnuts were harvested, they were dried by laying.
*The weight of a shelled chandler walnut varies between approximately 10-16 grams.
*It comes between 55-65 as pieces in 1 kg.
*Inner weight is 7-8 gr.
*Inner color is white/yellow. Internal yield is 47%.
*The fruit of the natural chandler walnut is large and the outer shell is thin. It is easily broken by hand and the butterfly comes out.

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